Sad to Be better

Today was my last appointment with my Physical Therapist. Γιούχα. I am happy that I am ready to run again, but sad to stop working with her. She definitely someone I would be pals with in real life ?

But- my running is not the only reason I won’t be working with her anymore. She’s moving back home to Canada!!! It was very fun to talk with her about moving and vegas and other stuff. thank you Lisanne!!!
MY most current VIDEOS

Podcast Recaps from Aug 6
Και εδώ είναι ένα νέο βίντεο με μια γρήγορη ανασκόπηση 3 podcasts που άκουσα χθες.
Podcasts relapped:

The drama Club – April 2018 episode about Monica Lewinsky and July 2018 episode about Conan O’Brien and duchess of York Fergie. interesting stuff!

Το πρωί Toast Podcast – το σημερινό επεισόδιο για τα καυτά θέματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του E! news announcement that the show will be completely cancelled (the times have been switched up a bit lately, but now it’s over).

Juicy Scoop με Heather McDonald – Συνέντευξη με τον Captain Sandy από κάτω από το κατάστρωμα Μεσόγειο

Περισσότερα βίντεο

0 δευτερόλεπτα 7 λεπτών, 26 ​​δευτερολέπτων

I got A Covid-19 Test


Healing my Knee plan going forward:

continue my hip strengthening exercises 5 days a week

build up mileage slowly and cut back if my knee hurts

ice if I have pain

go back to PT if I have a big set back

After Ben got home from work we took a short walk. I wanted him to take a picture of us, but he refused to stop walking so this photo is an action shot of sorts…

Today’s eats where terrific until dinner time. I have made a decision the random snacks I eat that never make it to the blog are my greatest downfall (this includes nighttime eating). So today I vowed to not eat anything outside of Breakfast, Lunch, afternoon Snack and Dinner.

I had my afternoon snack around 4pm and that was my only non-meal eats today!

Well, for dinner all I wanted was snacky foods! My cravings were figured out to snack! I ended up eating popcorn, half a granola bar, a piece of bread…

and a substantial smoothie with chocolate syrup and Cheerios.

I guess snacking is a compulsive habit that I didn’t get out of my system during the day like I usually do. Ουάου. This really taught me a lot about how deep of a habit the snacking is and considering that I’ve been doing it for so long my body really reacts odd when I stop. pondering this will continue, but I’ll spare you anymore.

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