GNC Lean Shake evaluation

delighted Tuesday! How’s your week going?

I truly requirement to get a new water bottle – I dropped this on it’s head this morning as well as now it’s a broken. (I threw away my recyclable bottle after I was ill in November.) I’ve been putting off getting a new bottle since the only location that offers ‘my bottle’ is a long drive away.
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0 δευτερόλεπτα 7 λεπτών, 15 δευτερόλεπτα

Marathon training Day 3


After boot camp I did 4 miles around the area. It’s so odd to be going house when everybody else is going to work. everybody else seems to be rushing while I’m singing Christmas tunes as well as cooking up breakfast in my head.

As part of my Fitfluential membership GNC just recently sent me one of their signature products to try. This is their Lean Shake in Swiss Chocolate. It is offered as a meal replacement shake, however it’s a bit chilly for an icy drink so I mixed some into my oatmeal this morning.

Mixing protein powder into oatmeal is a fantastic method to slip in some additional nutrients. I stir it in half method with cooking to make sure it’s incorporated all the way. The chocolate flavor went best with the clumps of PB inside my leftover jar! I’ve been eating savory breakfasts lately so this was like a treat.

I liked the taste of the Lean Shake however considering that I wasn’t utilizing it as a meal replacement I desire it had a lot more protein (this has 9 grams). I do appreciate that it had a ton of additional vitamins (especially since I ran out of my multi-vitamin last week!).

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this sponsored post. All thoughts and
opinions are my own.

This reminds me I requirement to add vitamins to my buying list! That, or I requirement to stop eating them by the handful…


We leave for FL in 10 days I still haven’t started Christmas Shopping!  assumption I’m not Santa as well as I understand it…

Question: Do you take a multivitamin?

Have you done your holiday shopping?

I want gummi vitamins (and frequently eat my bit brothers)!

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⚡ από το ShareaHolic


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